It is the year 2020 and everyone says 3D television is dead. This is only half true and since I have dealt with this topic extensively, I will tell you my 2 cents about it. For me, as a 3D fan, it has only just begun.

Noisy Sunfest Festival (Open Air)
After a very long time Somephoenics will play an open air concert on a festival. The Noisy Sunfest Festival starts on Saturday August 10th, 2019, 5 pm. Somephoenics will play at 9 pm on the main stage.
Somephoenics Unplugged
After nearly 15 years we will play our rock songs for the very first time unplugged! Come to our first „Somephoenics Unplugged“ gig on Sunday, June 30th, 2019 – 6 pm at the „Addicted to rock bar“ hosted by radio 88,6. No fees!
Best of Somephoenics
This year we proudly present our very first best of album! Yes, Somephoenics exists since 2005 – can you believe it? Weiterlesen

concert review „60s rock night“ (2018 Dec, 8th)
On Saturday the 8th of December we played our first gig with the new songs from the special album „Punk Meets 60s„. We had planned that the whole night should be a 60s / 70s rock night, so we invited „Psychedelicate“ as our support band.

Working on „Punk Meets 60s“
Only one year after „product: life“ we started with the recordings for our new special album „Punk Meets 60s„. How comes? Weiterlesen

„Let’s Twist Again“ – Reggae Cover
Somephoenics first Reggae cover was released on September 28th, 2018 – one week before the whole special album „Punk Meets 60s“ was released. Weiterlesen

New Single „Surfin‘ Away“ (Oldie-Punkrock)
Listen to our new single on every streaming platform! We mixed American Punkrock from the 90s with some lovely elements from the 60s and call this genre now „Oldie Punkrock“. It’s really funny! Weiterlesen

Some phoenics, Some phoenix, some phonics or some phonix Somphoenics?
Somephoenics was founded in 2005 and we always get asked what is the meaning of our bandname. So we thought let’s write a short blog article about our name. Weiterlesen

New album „product: life“ OUT NOW!
Unbelievable! After 9 years somephoenics brings out the second album with all the songs you already know from the concerts but also brandnew songs which were never played live before. Weiterlesen